Must Watch: The Best 2020 Election/Trump Recap You’ll See

I (like many of you) have tried to shut out most election/Trump news over the last couple of weeks because of the constant shenanigans and misinformation. I did write up a recap of thoughts about the election and the future of U.S. politics that you can read here though.

Even if you’re on a limited does of election/Trump news, I highly recommend watching this recap of everything that’s happening by John Oliver. In standard John Oliver form, it’s a mix of humor, stellar research, great clips, and insightful analysis.

Trump & Election Results: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)


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I started Need Change to write about important issues regarding society, politics, media, climate change, COVID-19, psychology, and racism. My work has been featured by the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and the U.S. & U.K. Governments. Keep reading to hear the perspective of someone who grew up in America, has lived in 15+ countries, and is deeply passionate about uniting humanity and improving the world. Feel free to click the chat in the bottom right if you ever want to talk! I'm friendly :).