The Pygmalion Effect: A Major Contributor To The Cycle of Poverty

If you listened to my podcast which went into great depth about systemic poverty, then you’d know this is something of significant interest to me.

Before watching this video, I wasn’t familiar with the Pygmalion Effect but it makes a lot of sense and I think it explains a lot of the systemic issues that the U.S. faces. In short, “higher expectations lead to higher performance” and lower expectations lead to lower performance.

If we want to help people break the cycle of poverty then we need to set higher expectations for them and inspire them to believe that more is possible (because it is).

The Pygmalion Effect

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I started Need Change to write about important issues regarding society, politics, media, climate change, COVID-19, psychology, and racism. My work has been featured by the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and the U.S. & U.K. Governments. Keep reading to hear the perspective of someone who grew up in America, has lived in 15+ countries, and is deeply passionate about uniting humanity and improving the world. Feel free to click the chat in the bottom right if you ever want to talk! I'm friendly :).